The Puppy Pounce
If I haven't mentioned something called "The Puppy Pounce", forgive me readers for I shall now enlighten you. :)
Here is the definition of a Puppy Pounce:
1.) An unexpected hug from a dear friend usually given in the form of surprise. It can involve being "pounced" upon from behind buildings, bushes and even doorways. As always, the giver of the Puppy Pounce makes small whimperings and yips of an actual puppy. Response from victim is always positive and can result in them returning the favor.
2.) A very unusual method of waking up a friend who likes to "sleep late" and often refuses to get their sorry, sleepy butt out of bed. It usually consists of sneaking up and gently pulling back the covers while making "whimpering puppy" noises. Other methods include "pouncing", I.E. jumping on top of the victim while they are still asleep. While responses are almost always positive, they can vary. Some victims refused to get up and utter strange sayings while pulling the covers back over their head, or, as very RARELY seen, they give the Pouncer a pillow to the face. The victim then plots to return the favor, but fails. For reasons why, read the bold print in sentence one of definition two.
True story. Except I didn't give my "Puppy Pouncer" a pillow to the face. As a puppy would say "I wuvs em toooo mwuch."
FYI-Puppy Pounces are just as much fun to GIVE as they are to get! So give a good friend of yours a Puppy Pounce, and I promise you, it will make them smile! :D
*ruff ruff*
Silent Courage
Courage doesn't always involve a visible heroic act. Sometimes, it is the invisible acts of courage that are the hardest. Don't get me wrong, it takes great courage to fight deadly disease, lead troops into battle and even stand up for one's beliefs. It also takes great courage to remain still and silent when you are asked to let go of something you love.
I dedicate this post to one of my dearest friends who is one of the bravest people I know. Take strength and heart no matter what task you are given. Your silent courage will not be overlooked.
I love you dear friend.
More About Paper...
One problem (among many I will admit) that I have is that I cannot verbally express some of the most important things buried deep inside me. Fail? Yes. Especially when you want to say it to someone you care about. Words literally get caught in your throat and just kind oatmeal or cream of wheat. You can't swallow or spit them out, they just sit there lodged in your esophogus waiting to get out.
Lovely picture right?
Thank God for pen and paper!
It makes it a lot easier to write down the things I feel on this inside. The only problem with THAT is...
I hope I can find the courage to write them.
Conversations by Sara Groves
This is pretty accurate.
I don't know how to say this,
I don't know where to stand,
I don't know where to put my feet,
Or where to put my hands.
I've got them in my pockets,
My fingers are freezing cold,
They're wrapped around a ticket stub
That's four weeks old,
And I don't know how to say this.
I think we've figured out
This world is bigger than you and I.
We've exhausted our wealth of knowledge
And have no more answers for mankind.
We've had every conversation in the world
About what is right and what has all gone bad,
But have I mentioned to you that this is all I am,
This is all that I have.
I'm not trying to judge you.
No that's not my job.
I am just a seeker too,
In search of God.
Somewhere somehow this subject became taboo.
I have no other way to communicate to you.
This is all that I am.
This is all that I have.
And we've had every conversation in the world
About what is right and what has all gone bad,
But have I mentioned to you that this is all I am,
This is all that I have.
I would like to share with you
What makes me complete.
I don't claim to have found the Truth,
But I know it has found me.
The only thing that isn't meaningless to me
Is Jesus Christ and the way he set me free.
This is all that I have. This is all that I am.
It's all that I have, and it's all
The only thing that isn't meaningless to me
Is Jesus Christ and the way he set me free.
And this is all that I have. This is all that I am
It's all that I have, and it's all that I am
It's all that I have, and it's all
I don't know how to say this
I don't know where to start
Just know that I care for you
And I'm speaking from my heart
Conversations by Sara Groves
For almost two days now I've been carrying around a piece of regular notebook paper in my pocket. It's folded multiple times and is starting to fray because it's rubbed up against my pants. I've come this close to crumpling it *makes small gesture with hand*. Why? Or better yet, why DON'T I?
Answer? It's got words on it. I wrote them. Some how I think the words are important. They are important to me even though they are nothing but a desperate ramble of what was on my heart two nights ago.
Will I ever say the words out loud? Let me put it this way, the reason I wrote them was because I couldn't find the courage and strength to say them aloud in the first place. I want to though, say them out loud that is, very much.
The paper is sitting on my nightstand, and will be in my pocket all week long. Unless of course, I absent mindedly leave it at home. Then I will have to say the words for myself, and not what's on that piece of paper.
Late Night Ponderings
Ok, it's only 12:46am, so maybe it's not that late. But here are some current things on my mind.
Thought 1: Balance of time: How do you do it? To what, and more specifically who, do you devote what little time you have left?
Thought 2: The following thought process is true for people who desire these two idols in their life.
Approval Idol: I don't care what position I get or even where I end up as long as people like me.
Power Idol: I don't care what people think about me as long as I have a position of power.
Struggle much with either anyone?
Thought 3: It takes just as much strength to hold on to something as it does to let it go. I believe this is true.
Thought 4: When do you ask for help and when do you just hold out till the end by yourself?
P.S. For those of you who were all excited about Project Runway All Stars, I regret to tell you that is a let down. Project Runway minus Tim Gunn, Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia and Michael Kohrs = sadness. The new people are really good designers and models, don't get me wrong, but it's just not the same. Again, UBER sadness!
WTH went missing?
Time for another late night ramble by yours truly.
Something has been misplaced. Where it went is not the question, the real question is : What the heck went missing?
All day, my persona on the inside feels like forgot to put on a vital piece of clothing. Everything seems in tact, and I definitely have not forgotten anything...but something isn't there. I can't place my finger on what exactly "it" is. I don't know if it's a tangible item such as a book or person, or even something deeper like a feeling or state of mind. Whatever it is though, it's gone.
And it's driving me crazy.
I'm having trouble thinking and, to a small degree, performing basic functions without it. Simple tasks and obstacles now appear to be mountains instead of little bumps in the road. That's just an example.
The more questions I ask, the less answers I find.
Worst thing about all of this is that I have a sinking suspicion that I am the reason this thing is missing. I.E. I...
1.) Drove it away.
2.) Made a bad choice that maimed it, and it had to leave in order to recover.
3.) Removed it myself without even knowing.
I hope I find it.
Strong Consistency
When I travel between my two homes (school and home with my family) I often wonder if I will be able to fall into stride with the life I lead in that particular place when I return. I never have to worry about having to start over with friends and family in both homes. Seeing familiar faces, receiving lung crushing hugs and "OMG YOU'RE HEERREEEE!!!!" type greetings are simply amazing!
Coming home to either dwelling place feels and looks like this:
Happiness on steroids if you ask me :)
Oh, I heard a really good quote from a new movie called Warhorse. GO SEE IT!!! Steve Spielberg has truly outdone himself with this one, it's incredible! Anyway...the quote is something I'm going to log away and recall when well...things get iffy with people I love.
I shall not give away any details, but there is a scene in the movie in which a husband and wife are talking about their current hardships, and how they are going to make it through them all. Both know there are some hard choices to be made. While approaching the subject, the quotes go as follows:
Husband: "You'll stop loving me Rose. And I won't blame you when you do."
Wife: "Well, I may hate you more. But I'll never love you less."
I think you must really love someone if you're able to say that to them.