Discernment to Shake off the Robot Within
As my family and closest friends know, I am THE "World's Worst" when it comes to saying things out loud-i.e. putting some of my most desperate and heartfelt feelings into literal vocal tones. I myself find this incredibly ironic because I am a loud outgoing individual. In order to affectively communicate what I'm feeling I sometimes have to write it down. Thank goodness for pen, paper and oh yeah...blogs.
Fireworks in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory
I shall explain the title right off the bat. After having graditated (my version of graduated) college, my brain has literally been eXpLoDiNg with ideas and I have been writing like mad. What am I writing?
Box of Chocolates?
Wow...I've been absent for too long...sorry life kind of happened and I had to tend to it.
But I'm baaaaaaaaack!!!
Well don't all cheer at once...sheesh. I jest. ;)
Ok, so I really don't feel like updating my life right now because things are sort of crazy. The people at college failed to mention that with a "diploma" comes a whole different life style. I knew it was coming, I'm just now in the midst of getting my act together. :)
Anywhoz, SUMMER! Yes!! So, I have decided to do something interesting (if you wanna call it that). The idea started back when I watched the Academy Awards with a few friends at school. I was greatly intrigued by the movies nominated. Actually...I'll be honest. I felt rather stupid watching the Oscars cuz I had not seen half the movies nominated so when something was mentioned I couldn't cheer or boo because I hadn't seen the movie! And I therefore could have no opinion as to whether I think it should have one the awards a movie did!
That needed to change. Hence why this summer I have decided to watch some of the nominated movies ranging any time span. Most of the ones on my list right now are from the 2011-2012 batch, and I've got a few random movies thrown in there as well, BUT nevertheless, I plan to do a mini review on the movies I watch, and write about it on this very blog.
*Cue da da daaaaaa music*
Alright, the undertaking of this will be rather simple, at least, I hope it will be. I want it to be simple because I realized that I cannot POSSIBLY watch every single movie that was nominated for an oscar in any give year and compare. If I did that I might as well turn in my keys to humanity and dedicate myself to a life of potato chips and a couch...no. Do you know how many movies that would be? Don't even try to do the math, you will get a headache. I have a headache just thinking about it...
Right back to Oscar nominated movies. What I have decided to do is rate each movie individually and give my thoughts on them.
Without further ado...let's get started! Annnnnd I would like to start with a movie that everyone for the past year or so has been telling me to see. It's one of those "What, you haven't seen it?!" type of movies. Yes. So tonight I watched...
This film was nominated for 13 awards and won 6 including Best Picture and Best Actor in a Leading Role.
My Take on the film:
This may be a little crazy, but apart from Hanks performance, I really don't see what all the fuss is about . It is a very good movie and I think it deserved the awards it got. But there were some things in the movie that for lack of a better phrase, turned me off. First, there was way too much sexual content for my taste. In the words of Forrest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."
Second, Jenny, Gump's best friend and love of his life, was a 2D character and became shallow. Throughout the movie, the poor girl is messed up due to abuse in her childhood, but the audience never explored her hurts and how deep they ran. Maybe we didn't explore that because from Forrest's simple minded point of view, he saw it as "she was sad". I'm a nitty gritty type of person, and I wanted to know more about Jenny, so that dissapointed me.
Third, I went into watching Forrest Gump thinking I was going to be drying my eyes half the movie much like I did when I watched Radio, another movie addressing the life of a man who has a condition similar to Forrest. (Go watch Radio by the way, it's EXCELLENT.) In all honesty though...it was sad, but not a tear jerker. Forrest accomplished too much in his life for it to be a "sad" movie.
On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give Forrest Gump a solid 6. It won 6 Oscars, so it seems to fit. :)
Stay tuned for more movies both Oscar worthy and non Oscar worthy I shall be reviewing. Some to come include...
Iron Lady
Winter's Bone
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Reel Steel
Pirates 4 (this should be a hoot)
The Artist
And much, much more!